Inventor 2014 onwards – Merge Material Library From Previous Release

Zen Admin
Zen Admin
  • Updated

by Luke Davenport

New releases of Inventor often contain new materials and appearances as part of the default installed library. With materials and appearances being contained in .adsklib library files since Inventor 2013, Inventor users need to decide whether to use the default installed InventorMaterialLibrary.adsklib file (to add their own materials to) or create their own company library (eg, CadlineMaterials.adsklib, and then they may wish to merge their current company library with the newly installed libraries for the new release (in order to benefit from any new materials that may be present). This White Paper details how to take an old .adsklib file and extract the custom materials into the newly installed Inventor Material Library. This technique can be varied depending on desired result but can be used as a working starting point.

Note: This White Paper only covers materials but appearances can be merged using a similar technique.

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