Vault Log files - Vlogs

Zen Admin
Zen Admin
  • Updated


Where are my Log files for Vault stored? What do these files record?



The default location for Autodesk Vault log files are:

XP, server 2003

C:\Documents and settings\all users\application data\Autodesk\VaultServer\filestore

Vista, Win7, Server 2008 etc.

C:\Documents and settings\all users\application data\Autodesk\VaultServer\filestore

On Newer versions this path is


The VLog files are the daily event logs for the Vault, the ADMSConsoleLog files document your database backups, the number listed after the name is the date that a backup was run.

In addition to these, there are also ADMSConsoleLog files, which log any changes to the ADMS server, such as service packs etc

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