Revit 2013 - Wall Layer Functions

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

by Gareth Spencer

When your building your walls in Revit have you really thought about which layer function when you are putting each wall layer into the wall?    

Take the wall shown in the image above.  When putting together the wall you need to consider quite a few things:

  • Layer Function
  • Layer Position
  • Which Material to assign it too
  • Thickness
  • If it wraps
  • Structural Material


So when you set up each layer you need to assign a specific function, which will join to its corresponding layer.

The layer functions have an order priority:


Layer Function


Structure [1]

Layer that supports the remainder of the wall, floor, or roof

Substrate [2]

Material, such as plywood or gypsum board, which acts as a foundation for another material

Thermal/Air Layer [3]

Provides insulation and prevents air penetration

Finish 1 [4]

Finish 1 is typically the exterior layer

Finish 2 [5]

Finish 2 is typically the interior layer

Membrane Layer

A membrane that commonly prevents water vapour penetration. The membrane layer should have zero thickness.

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