by Chris Turner
We get a lot of support queries about missing standards in the Inventor Content Centre libraries. Usually after a reinstall of Inventor or when installing a new version.
Basically, by default, not all of the libraries we sometimes use are included when installing Inventor Content Centre. The particular Library I am referring to is the ‘Inventor OTHER’ library. The Inventor Other library contains the BSI standard components.
This is easily solved by just running the PDS installer again. Follow these easy steps below to install the missing ‘OTHER’ library.
The following screenshots (courtesy of my colleague David Gate) are from 2014 but will be the same if not similar for 2013.
Hit the install button and accept the terms and conditions.
Don’t worry about putting in your serial number or product key, just install as a trial. All we are doing here is installing is the missing content.
All of your currently installed products will be in blue.
Any products you didn’t install the first time round will be ticked to install so make sure that if you don’t want them untick them.
Expand the ‘Autodesk Inventor Content Libraries’ option.
Make sure you tick the libraries you want. In this case make sure the ‘Other’ library is selected.
Once installed the missing library will be added to the following folder: -
C:\programdata\Autodesk\Inventor 2014\Content Center\Libraries\
If you now try place from the content centre, those libraries should be there.
I've tried absolutely all that I can to get Inventor to find the content centre libraries. Every time I need to use the assembly, the directory says that there are no content library files. All the materials are very useful for making assemblies yet I can't access any. Please help!
Hi Amanjot
Have a look at this article, it may help you.
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