Existing P&ID Objects in a Drawing

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

In AutoCAD P&ID, if I modify the symbol geometry part way through a project, how do I force all of the existing P&ID objects in a drawing to match the current definition in ProjSymbolStyle?


The easy way to do this is to enter the command SYNCHSTYLES and hit enter. This command synchronises the current drawing with the project.

Plant 3D and P&ID drawings are automatically synchronised according to the setting of the system variable SYNCSTYLESMODE. Turn this variable off (0) to improve performance. Set all bits (63) to update P&ID, 3D Model, and Ortho drawings when they are opened, and if the project is modified in Project Setup. The default (42) synchronizes open P&ID, open 3D Model, and Ortho drawings if the project is modified in project setup.

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