Vault 2012 - Automatic Numbering and Multi-Body Parts

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

by Chris Turner

While doing some training recently, the question came up about managing multi-body parts and the file naming.

One can of course just name your new parts to anything you like when using ‘Make Components’.

However, with Vault’s Automatic Numbering schemes (VW, VC & VP only), this can be done for you. Once the numbering has been defined in the Vault, you can select the scheme required when numbering the assemblies and parts.

First select the number scheme for the main assembly…

And then select number scheme for the parts…

It’s fast, quick and great results!

This Automatic Numbering is also available when using the Frame Generator in Inventor!

Another good reason to use Vault Workgroup, Vault Collaboration or Vault Professional.


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