By Andy Davis
Just a quick blog about an issue I’ve just had which may not impact users of newer versions of AutoCAD but has occurred for me just now. Although we tend to run the 2011 and 2012 products on our laptops, its sometimes necessary to install earlier versions for support purposes... I was just trying to activate a copy of AutoCAD 2010 when I got the following message...
Further attempts failed and upon using the “Back” option in the dialogue box I received a second dialogue box...
An internet search led me to quite a few old calls other people had made when they’d had the same issue, one suggested shutting down and firing it up again and hey presto it worked activation dialogue at all...just went straight in?
Although I haven’t been able to get to identify the definite cause of the problem one link I did come across that relates to 2010 and 2011 users I thought might be useful so I thought I’d include it case it helps others...
I also came across this hotfix for Civil 3D 2012 which deals with an issue when the Infrastructure Design Suite is also installed on that computer...
We are releasing this hotfix for network license environments where both AutoCAD Civil 3D and Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite Premium or Ultimate license exist. This hotfix addresses a possible issue with AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 pulling the incorrect license at launch. This hotfix should be applied to all machines that have AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 installed, regardless of whether it was installed as part of a suite or as a point products (not part of a suite).
That’s all for now, back to supporting others now!
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