Updating AutoCAD Electrical From Microsoft Excel

Zen Admin
Zen Admin
  • Updated

By Miles Nicholson

Did you know that you can modify the component tags or other data in Excel and then update your drawings after?


Why is this useful?


  • Customers may have cad operators and designers; the cad operator can sketch the design and then the designer can detail the schematics via Excel
  • The client may determine the tags of the equipment
  • The panel may be manufactured by an external source; the manufacturer part information defined by the panel builder in Excel and then updated back to the schemes


How do you do it?


1.       Select the Import/Export Data ribbon tab >  


Choose what you would like to export (edit)


Select ¤ Project and ¤ Excel file format




Specify the location to save the excel spreadsheet


2. Modify the spreadsheet using Excel

  • If changing the component TAG, both the parent and child devices need to be changed


3.       Select the Import/Export Data ribbon tab >  


Browse to the spreadsheet and select  


Select the options that you prefer:




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