AutoCAD Electrical - Consultancy

Zen Admin
Zen Admin

By Miles Nicholson

Staff training is a top priority when it comes to the professional introduction of CAE systems. In our experience, it is important for motivated users to master the full range of features associated with an intelligent software package quickly and thoroughly, both during the introductory period and on a day-to-day operation. This is necessary in order to ensure that the system is used cost-effectively within a short period of time, and also to maintain or enhance the level of performance achieved. This is the only means of ensuring that your department/corporate solution achieves the greatest possible benefit and maximum levels of integration.

Consultancy Overview:

Often known as ‘at elbow training’, consultancy can cover anything from creation and implementation of company-specific symbols, creation of forms to meet existing ISO9001 quality procedures or help in setting up quickly and efficiently to a specific company electrical engineering standard(s). Typically we would recommend two to four days to be booked initially with the days scheduled on an ‘as and when basis’ or on a quarterly basis.

In order for a company to gain maximum efficiency out of AutoCAD Electrical, it is recommended that a day be scheduled within the first few weeks (after initial training) to ensure that customer-specific objectives are met from the start.

The purpose of which is to suggest and recommend as to how AutoCAD Electrical would be best implemented in order to smoothly integrate the system into your existing procedures and working methodology. This is to ensure that it reduces disruption and gives you the ability to fully utilise the systems advantages.

Topics that are typically covered are detailed in the Quick Start Days document on the Cadline  training website


In addition to consultancy, we can offer the implementation of coordinated application extensions by means of special programming. If this were a requirement a written specification and timescale of implementation would be agreed.


For more information please contact Customer Services

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