by Garry Stockton
The Properties Panel (above) in Navisworks has not changed since the lates 90’s and can be a bit restrictive when you need to extract data or offer a little more about the element. However, there is a free tool available on the Autodesk App Store called “Properties Panel Enhanced” and it’s a really useful add-in.
If you have never used the Autodesk Appstore, it’s a great location for many add-ins for Autodesk Applications.
Just type in Autodesk Appstore into Google – select Navisworks. In the search bar insert Panel and it’s the top one at present with some good reviews.
A brief description
- Improved properties panel allowing additional functionality
- Stacked category tabs
- Combined category / single list
- Favourites
- Multiple selection traversal
- Auto zoom to selected
- HyperLink support
- Column sorting
- Category sorting
- Find matching Items
- Create search
- Add to existing search
- Selection hierarchy quick access
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