By Gary Mann
The Email Job wizard is an effective method of compiling all the required Cymap project files together, from various discrete locations and can be found in the Utilities section as shown above.
Selecting “Email Job” gives the option of copying to another folder, drive or memory device. The second two options will automatically compress the files for archiving and the final option will include the zipped project file to an MS Outlook email, as an attachment.
There are two methods of emailing Cymap files;
- If the Cymap project file is still open, the program will use the path of the currently open file. This is the preferred and simplest method.
- When the project has not recently been opened, then you would need to path to the *.CYC location using the Browse option.
The dialog above shows the existing location of the current file. Full instructions are available to view on each page of the wizard.
The default option is all checkboxes ticked so that all components of the Cymap project file are included. If all files are not included, the recipient may not be able to access the project.
Notable exceptions are if the project has recently been sent to the recipient, un-tick any item that has not changed since the last backup, e.g. DXF files or DBs and this will help reduce the size of the compressed file.
If the ‘Use Cymap working folders’ option is ticked, Cymap will look into the current project folder if it cannot locate the required files in the Cymap installed location. If Cymap still cannot locate a specific file, you will have the option of locating the missing file by using the browse facility.
The screenshot below shows some, but not all the files required in an archived project.
Part L calculations would result in additional SAP, CPR and NCT files included in the above. All database files are included along with the “Notes” file if ticked.
It would be difficult and time consuming to collate all project files manually. Select “Next”
If you tick the “Is this a support request?” tick-box, the recipients address will be automatically added along with the prompt requesting more details to be added to the message body.
Filling in comprehensively may prevent customer services from having to call back requesting additional information, saving valuable time.
Microsoft Outlook will normally ask your permission as Cymap is attempting to utilise Outlook to send an email. Selecting the “Allow access for” should suffice. Confirmation that the files have been successfully emailed finishes the wizard and allows you to sleep peacefully.
Don’t forget that you have a copy of the *.zip file in your email sent items folder. If for any reason the email feature does not work simply make a backup using the above utility and manually attach to an email and add the required instructions.
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