By Clint Brown
iLogic adds some very powerful functionality to Inventor. It allows users to create rules based automations of repetitive tasks and to create intelligent component configurations. The iLogic language is a simplified version of VB Code, but there are several great productivity enhancements in iLogic that you can use right now without having to write any code.
Perhaps one of the most overlooked areas of iLogic is the forms interface. Forms allow you to easily interact with iProperties and Parameters in your models and drawings. If you still use prompted entries to enter critical design information, you may want to consider changing to a more modern looking form based interface.
The Video below shows how to create a form and how to add Parameters and iProperties.
To get even more from your forms, have a look at my blog post on the enhancements to forms in Inventor 2018
A working knowledge of Parameters is key to successfully manipulating your models.
The iLogic technology in Inventor, adds the following enhancements to the parameters interface:
- Multi-Value Lists Parameters
- True/False Parameters
- Text Parameters
True/False and Text Parameters are most useful when using iLogic code, so we are going to focus on Multi-Value parameters for now. Multi-Value parameters are like standard parameters, but they have a pre-defined list of values. Users are also able to set whether custom values are allowed.
The Video below shows how to create Multi-Value Parameters, and how to interact with them on your forms.
Hopefully this will help you to start exploring iLogic in Inventor, for more information why not check out my blog post on getting started with iLogic, or consider taking an iLogic training course.
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