Revit Architecture 2018 – Add Dimensions in a 3D View

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By John Flanagan                                                                                                                      



Sometimes you may need to add dimensions to your 3D view. It is possible to add dimensions in parallel projection, but not in a perspective view. You will need to orient the work plane before you can draw the dimensions correctly.

Let’s see how we can create a drawing like this.

Create a 3D view with a section box

If you want to show only a part of your model, create a 3D view with a section box.pic2.png

In Revit 2018 you can do this by selecting the components and click the selection box tool in the Modify Tab> View Panel.

  pic3.pngRename the {3D} view to give this view a better description. Adjust the grips position if necessary. Hide any components that you don’t want to show in this 3D view.

Setting the Work Plane

You can set a new work plane by clicking the Set tool in the Work Plane panel. This panel is available in the Architecture, Structure and Systems tab on the ribbon.

    pic4.png Click the set button. Observe the options to specify the work plane. Select Pick a Plane. This option allows you to pick any surface in your model as a reference.     pic5.pngIn this example, we want to create a vertical dimension string to show the floor level heights. To enable us to do this, select a vertical surface on one of the stairwells as shown in the diagram.

pic6.pngNow activate the dimension tool and create the dimensions. Pick the surfaces that you want to measure and place the dimension string as shown.

pic7.png If you need to add more dimensions to a different work plane, set a new work plane before you add the dimension.


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