Cymap Underfloor Heating


By Ashley Rice

Cymap’s underfloor heating capabilities have been a topic for discussion recently. Here are some key facts about the program including some hints and tips along the way.

After you have defined the rooms volume, external walls and elements, within the room profile you need to tick the underfloor heating installed box and the exposed floor area will be automatically populated.

This is calculated by the entire floor area defined in the building program and you would need to consider reducing the exposed area m2 figure for areas that are to be left unheated (see Hint 1).pic1.pngHint 1– If you have two meters of cupboards or storage area that won’t have heating pipes underneath, then remove the area (0.6 x 2 = 1.2 m2) from the results and notice a change in W/m2 as your dry resultant in the Energy program under the Underfloor heating losses.

Cymap Underfloor Heating Manifolds

Within the Piping Program, you can apply underfloor heating manifolds to the space or spaces depending on what rooms you have selected with the UF Heating tick box.

Simply click, ins ert, underfloor heating manifold and populate the dialog box with the kPa pressure drop, add the description and mounting height. To automatically populate the desired load in Kw to the manifold, select what rooms you wish the manifold to feed with the room filter from the rooms button.pic2.png

We recommend that the final design of loop lengths, underfloor pipe spacing/distancing and sizing along with either Meander or Bifilar layout is done by others.

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