By Garry Stockton
Drag to Copy - Hold down the Ctrl key and drag a component to make a copy of it.
Control the Project Browser - Expand/Decrease the Project Browser. This is a standard Windows feature that works in any Explorer-type listing. Using Ctrl + will expand all folders and Ctrl - (dash) will collapse them. Using the +/- keys on the number pad is easier.
As an experienced AutoCAD user, you probably have customised key-ins which made you faster in AutoCAD, consider using the same ones in Revit. Here are some typical AutoCAD commands and the Revit commands that go with them.
AutoCAD - Revit
Break - Split Element
Copy - Copy
Erase - Delete
Fillet - Trim/Extend
Hatch - Filled Region
Insert - Link Revit
Line - Detail Line
Mirror - Mirror
Offset - Offset
Quick Save - Ctrl S
Trim - Trim/Extend
Most of these commands can be found in the Modify Panel on the Ribbon Bar.
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