' Start of iLogic code ************************************************************ ' Note this iLogic rule will remove any adaptive links between: ' 1) All parts in this assembly ' 2) All parts in this assembly and other assemblies they may also be assembled into 'check this file is an assembly Dim doc As Document = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument If doc.DocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MessageBox.Show("This rule can only be run in an assembly file!", "Cadline iLogic") Return End If Dim iCounter As Integer = 0 ' Loop through all referenced docs in assembly For Each oDoc As Document In doc.AllReferencedDocuments Try If oDoc.ModelingSettings.AdaptivelyUsedInAssembly = True Then oDoc.ModelingSettings.AdaptivelyUsedInAssembly = False iCounter += 1 End If Catch End Try Next MessageBox.Show("Adaptivity was switched off for " & iCounter & " file(s)!", "Cadline iLogic") ' End of iLogic code ************************************************************