' Inform the command manager which file you are about to place using iLogic ThisApplication.CommandManager.PostPrivateEvent(PrivateEventTypeEnum.kFileNameEvent, "C:\CAD WIP\STORMTROOPER.ipt") ' Run the 'Place' command - rule will continue to run in the background while you are placing.... ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item("AssemblyPlaceComponentCmd").Execute() MsgBox("Continuing to run iLogic rule in background....", 64, "Cadline iLogic") ' Inform the command manager which file you are about to place using iLogic ThisApplication.CommandManager.PostPrivateEvent(PrivateEventTypeEnum.kFileNameEvent, "C:\CAD WIP\STORMTROOPER.ipt") ' Run the 'Place' command - rule will wait until you have finished placing components.... ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item("AssemblyPlaceComponentCmd").Execute2(True) MsgBox("You’ve finished placing components - Now continuing to run iLogic rule....", 64, "Cadline iLogic")